I love to garden, but it's not always
roses (pun intended). We got the tomatoes, some eggplant and broccoli
starts in the ground last weekend before a couple of days of much
needed rain. When I checked this morning everybody was looking good
except the broccoli. Something has been chewing off the leaves! I
cannot be one hundred percent sure, but I would bet money that the
culprit was our healthy chipmunk population. The fence around the
garden keeps out the deer, woodchuck and cotton tail rabbits. Those
chipmunks, and sometimes red squirrels, enjoy finding their way in
despite the fence.
I spent the morning doubling up some
fencing and mesh to try to make it a little more difficult for our
garden pest. The plants still had enough leaves left to survive, so
hopefully this deterrent will buy us some time while their stalks
grow stronger. We don't spray our veggies with any chemicals, so I
know this will not be the last pest problem I will report!
Tomatoes are planted, caged and ready to go! ©SBF |
Reaching for the sun after a few days of rain! ©SBF |
I have a few of my favorite little
eggplants, the Little Prince, joining the
potato cans in my container
garden. Remember when these were just
seedlings back in Week 2? I
have some more plants to get started to round out the container crop.
So much to do, so little time!
Little Prince container eggplant. ©SBF |
Red potatoes just sprouting. ©SBF |
Some nice sprouts on the white potatoes. ©SBF |
The clematis opened this week along
with my new geranium. The iris buds are getting close. I imagine
after this good rain and a sunny day today we will see some more
blooms! What do you have blooming? Comment below!
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