Glimpse of the Garden: Week 19, Tomato Blossom End Rot...and Other Adventures

Keeping your garden going while on vacation can be nerve-wracking. We set up the sprinkler, mulched and watered...and hoped for the best. All in all, our plants did ok while we were away for a few days. I was dismayed upon our return to find that the woodchuck (presumably) took advantage of the absence of the dog to munch almost all of the leaves off of my dahlias, some nasturtium, and morning glories, in addition to mowing down all of the potted lettuce!

I also found that one of the potted tomatoes had fruit that was rotting on the bottom. After some research, I learned that this is tomato blossom end rot and can have many causes. The main culprit is soil that is lacking calcium. I don't think that is the problem here as they are in the same potting soil as the tomatoes that are growing fine. Other reasons can be uneven watering, and planting the pot when the soil is too cold. Regardless, the damage has been done! Hopefully only on this plant!

Still getting a few strawberries, peas and we've got a bumper crop of lemon cucumbers on the horizon!

What are you growing? Send in your garden photos to: or share on social media with the hashtag: #shareitsciencenews

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